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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What is Rhema?

Rhema is "the part of a sentence that expresses an idea" according to In biblical terms it is the part of Scripture that the Lord specifically speaks to you. Many times I read a Scripture and think "Oh, that's nice." But other times I read a Scripture and I KNOW God meant for me to read it! He wrote that verse for me to read on that day because He wanted me to hear it.

It is not the same thing as "logos" which means the word, the whole word - as in the Bible, or the word - as in Jesus "the word made flesh". It makes it so much more personal to know that God intends for Scripture to be for us. He wrote us a love letter and wants it to be read as such!

So this blog is just about me and my relationship with my Lord. I need an outlet to share what I believe He is saying to me and I decided I'd give Aunt June a break and share it with others too! I don't imagine I'll post every day, but I hope you'll check in periodically to see what Abba (that's how I think of the Lord when I'm alone in my head) is doing with me.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you peace.


  1. First of all, I was already headed to to see what your rhema was, so thank you for explaining that right off. I know I'm going to love this, I'll be back often.

  2. Very interesting....looking forward to the next posting! :)

  3. Well, I guess talking about it yesterday gave you the "uummmppp" to follow up. Good for you! I will save this to my favorites. Enjoyed the read...till next time. JMaye, Clarksville

  4. Aunt Tracey, you are my favorite! Thank you for sharing your Dr. Pepper!

