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Friday, May 22, 2009

Are you hot yet?

Good day to all my fellow blogger! I pray today finds you in good spirits and good company as well! Down here in the south, it is warming up into summer quite quickly. Maybe it just seems so because the air conditioner where I sit at work is out. Needless to say, in a room with no windows to open we are HOT!

Somewhere above the noise of the fans blowing and oscillating I'm sure that business as usual is going on. My question today is: Are you hot yet?

Are you in a place where you are being tested? Maybe God has turned up the heat on a certain situation, or has pointed out an area of blatant sin that needs dealing with. I cannot say what your situation may be. For me, sitting where I am uncomfortable isn't luxury.

Whether it is an area of sin and I know I need to repent, but just as blatantly as I am committing the sin, I am rebelling about giving it up or if it a situation that is what it is, and sin is not the issue, I can rest assured that business is going on! God is up to something all the time.

Maybe today, you need to stop and take inventory about your discomfort. Is there something you need to confess to the Lord and wipe the slate clean? His mercies are new every morning, hallelujah! He stands ready to accept any apology from a repenting heart. Thank you, Lord that you love us as much as you do! You truly are a great solace for us! Beyond His mercy where we do not get the punishment we deserve, he offers His grace. He offers freely what we do not deserve!

Or are you in a situation you have no control over and you just feel helpless to do anything about it? Let me assure you that God is not about to leave you stranded. Just because you cannot see into the heavenly realms to know what is going does NOT mean nothing is going on! He works everything to the good of those who "love him and are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) Even when we can't see or feel it, He is working for our good! Even when we choose destructiveness over godliness, He is working for our good.

In a world where everyone looks out for themselves, isn't nice to know that God is looking out for you? He wants the very best for you and me! The very best is Him and His goodness. Lord, I ask that you show me today where my "hot spots" are. Please show me whether or not I need to do something about them or trust in your timing and grace to work them together for my good. Thank you for your everlasting love. Thank you that you do not change and I can rely on you today and tomorrow just as much or more than yesterday! Thank you for the invitation to come into your throne room and, with prayer and thanksgiving, to present my requests to you. May you be glorified in my life today, Abba!

Praise to the One True God!


  1. Awesome verse in Jeremiah, Tay. I love reading these anew thru your eyes.

  2. oops, looks like I got this comment in the wrong place. I was referring to the passage in Jeremiah in your post just above this one...

    (OH NO! this is hilarious. The RANDOM word for the word verification is - "revissed". That's close enough to be a bit spooky!
