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Thursday, June 11, 2009


I just have to say that I love blogging! I read and follow so many good, wonderful, godly people in blog world! :) I never new all this fun existed. I also never knew how powerfully God could use computers to pound His message into my brain!

The message? "Quit excusing your bad eating habits and surrender ALL to me!"

The response? "Yes, Lord, I hear you. Please, forgive my blatant ignoring of your call in my life. I surrender. I'm going to need you moment by moment on this journey. Thank you that your mercies are new each morning. I love you, my Savior, my God."

Is He asking you to surrender anything? I could use all the help I can get knowing I'm not in it alone! Let me hear from you!


  1. Ack! You're not alone! Thanks for the reminder!!!! Let's be praying for each other on these surrender issues!

  2. Gladly! If your surrender issue is food, you can feel free to check out Lysa Terkurst's blog about it as well. Lots of encouragement found there. You can find it through click on "read today's devotion". If food is not your surrender issue, i'll still pray, but I may feel a might lonely! LOL
