Please contact me at or at 903-733-5743 for speaking engagements.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Greetings from Tulsa

Good morning. We will be heading back home in a little bit and I wanted to let everyone know we are doing fine. The funeral service yesterday was beautiful. It is a blessing when you can be assured you will see a loved one again in heaven. I cannot fathom the depth of loss felt when a believer in Christ loses a loved one that doesn't believe. That kind of loss is too much. That kind of loss is too great and painful. I've never experienced it, and I surely don't want to. I hope you don't ever have to experience it either.

Does that spur you on to share your faith? Does it make you wonder if those you love are secure in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? It does me! I pray that I will be a better witness of God's love and blessings through salvation in my life.

On a lighter note, let me tell you what Cara did. Grandpa and Grandma have a swing hanging from a pear tree in the back yard. It is just a small one, mind you, and Cara's bottom is almost too big for the seat anyway. But she was swinging on it with her eyes closed talking to me and she kept getting higher and higher. The next think I know she hollers "ow!" I asked what was wrong and she said she hit her head on a pear. It was funny to us, and maybe you had to be there to think it was funny. Cara asked me today if I had written anything about her on my blog yet. I jokingly told her that she hadn't done anything cute lately. Of course, she gasped like she was shocked. Then she said, "I'm your child. Isn't that enough?"

The answer is, "yes! That is more than enough!" I love you Cara and of all the Cara Leiann's in the whole wide world, you are my favorite! Thank you for all your help and your boldness in Christ. I pray that you will always live for the Lord and honor Him with your life. I love you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm fixing to jet out the door to head for north Arkansas and northeast Oklahoma. Hope you all have a great weekend. Just wanted to drop you a quick line.

I finished my Bible study on Beth Moore's "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman". I encourage anyone interested in Scripture to study this! Especially if you are a woman who loves the Lord! I enjoyed it so much. I learned things about myself that I didn't know, I learned things about God I didn't know, and I learned things about Esther I didn't know. And I thought I was pretty smart.

The main thing I learned is that God can turn any situation around. And the way to taking a different direction is trusting enough to take the first step.

I just needed to know that. God can turn it around even when I cannot. All I have to do is trust him. And oh, He is so worthy of my trust! The Only One who has never let me down!

Love ya! Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Life

Hope you had a great Memorial Day. I hope you found a moment to remember in prayer the families of those great men and women who have sacrificed their lives for freedom's sake. Or if you know a family personally, say, "Thank you."

Our Memorial Day weekend was a hoot! Friday night, Shawn was in the rodeo in Idabel, OK. Saturday, we had a lazy day of family time. It was great just being together with the six of us. Sunday morning we awoke to Abi's first words being, "Daddy, I just need to puke." Boy, if that won't start your day, nothing will! Shawn moves quickly when vomit is involved. Me, on the other hand, I am relatively calm in emergency situations. So Abigail was sick all day Sunday. Shawn left Sunday afternoon for the Warner bulldogging jackpot and Ft. Smith rodeo.

On Monday, the kids and I headed to Magnolia to spend time with Paula, Kaylie, and Jonathan Sweet. It was unknown to me that her air conditioner is out!!!! No air at work, no air at Paula's... Maybe God is trying to get through to me about these hot and uncomfortable situations. We had a fun, full day of visiting, moving furniture around and trying to locate an affordable window air conditioning unit! We drove home Monday evening and I put the kiddos straight to bed. Fifteen minutes later, Abigail was coughing her head off, gagging and crying...kept me up all night! She was better Tuesday morning. God is so good! None of the other children got sick or have felt bad. In a family of six, that's no easy task! Thank you, Abba.

I received the joy of leading a young man in his twenties to salvation. Jesus is so good to us. He creates us, loves us, died for us, and saves us. This man knew where he was spiritually. He knew the destiny of his soul. He stated very plainly that he knew he had said words in the past, but he didn't mean them. He knew if he died at that moment, he would spend eternity in hell.

I was so eager to share with him the plan of salvation, I kind of didn't even give Shawn much of a chance to talk. Looking back, I think maybe I should have, but when God puts a burning in your soul you HAVE to share! It reminded me of Jeremiah when he said he tried to not share the prophecy God had given him. Jeremiah 20:9 says, "But if I say, 'I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." You understand, I just HAD to.

We spoke of sin and the need of a Savior. We spoke of the way to that Savior and that there was no other way to get there. We spoke of salvation not being a deed that gets done, but a relationship that needs fostering care and love and time to grow. I loved that as we were reading through the Scriptures he was actively searching the verses himself like it was the first time he'd ever heard them. (It may have been.) We read Romans 10:9-10 that states, "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." I explained that it was that simple. Know you need a Savior, know that Jesus is the only way, say with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and you will be saved. I couldn't even finish explaining it and he was proclaiming confidently that Jesus is Lord! I loved it. It was the high-light of my week.

Do you remember when it happened for you? Maybe you've heard it a thousand times. Maybe you read this and it's the first you've ever heard it. I remember like it was yesterday! But I'm so glad it didn't end there. It is still going on today. Jesus is still saving me and making me holy. (I know, I know, it's hopeless, but one day He's gonna glorify me and you'll be thinking, "Wow! Look what Jesus did with her!") Feel free to leave me a comment and tell me what God's done for you. Or if you don't think He's ever done that and you'd like to know more, contact me by email at:

I pray you have a blessed day! Jesus, thank you for using me as your vessel. I love what you've done for me! I love the fact you did it for everyone. No one's past is beyond your grace, praise You, Abba!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Are you hot yet?

Good day to all my fellow blogger! I pray today finds you in good spirits and good company as well! Down here in the south, it is warming up into summer quite quickly. Maybe it just seems so because the air conditioner where I sit at work is out. Needless to say, in a room with no windows to open we are HOT!

Somewhere above the noise of the fans blowing and oscillating I'm sure that business as usual is going on. My question today is: Are you hot yet?

Are you in a place where you are being tested? Maybe God has turned up the heat on a certain situation, or has pointed out an area of blatant sin that needs dealing with. I cannot say what your situation may be. For me, sitting where I am uncomfortable isn't luxury.

Whether it is an area of sin and I know I need to repent, but just as blatantly as I am committing the sin, I am rebelling about giving it up or if it a situation that is what it is, and sin is not the issue, I can rest assured that business is going on! God is up to something all the time.

Maybe today, you need to stop and take inventory about your discomfort. Is there something you need to confess to the Lord and wipe the slate clean? His mercies are new every morning, hallelujah! He stands ready to accept any apology from a repenting heart. Thank you, Lord that you love us as much as you do! You truly are a great solace for us! Beyond His mercy where we do not get the punishment we deserve, he offers His grace. He offers freely what we do not deserve!

Or are you in a situation you have no control over and you just feel helpless to do anything about it? Let me assure you that God is not about to leave you stranded. Just because you cannot see into the heavenly realms to know what is going does NOT mean nothing is going on! He works everything to the good of those who "love him and are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) Even when we can't see or feel it, He is working for our good! Even when we choose destructiveness over godliness, He is working for our good.

In a world where everyone looks out for themselves, isn't nice to know that God is looking out for you? He wants the very best for you and me! The very best is Him and His goodness. Lord, I ask that you show me today where my "hot spots" are. Please show me whether or not I need to do something about them or trust in your timing and grace to work them together for my good. Thank you for your everlasting love. Thank you that you do not change and I can rely on you today and tomorrow just as much or more than yesterday! Thank you for the invitation to come into your throne room and, with prayer and thanksgiving, to present my requests to you. May you be glorified in my life today, Abba!

Praise to the One True God!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Girlfriend, let me tell you!

Girlfriend, let me tell you! Yesterday when I got home from work, Shawn had stopped by the store. For my birthday, he grilled ribeye steaks (my fave!), fried squash, mac-n-cheese. On top of all that was a mushy birthday card with a Dr. Pepper and a huge Hershey's bar. Does my man know what I like or what? Jesus, thank you for sending him to me and not someone else!

I could have whined because I didn't get the jewelry I like, or the big Fry-Daddy thingy I want, but just to know that my husband knows me like that was worth it! No other present could have spoken to me the way those things did. It told me that he pays attention to me. He knows me well enough to know my likes and dislikes.

If that wasn't enough, he even told the kids to stay out of my Dr. Pepper and chocolate! Wow, a treat just for Mom. That doesn't happen very often! Have you had something special lately? Just for you? Just for the record, I plan on sharing my Hershey bar with my children today at lunch. All four of those chololate-loving kids will get some of it. We all know my hips need no more help! (Shhh...don't tell Shawn I shared!)

All I know to say is, "Thank you!" Everyone wished me a Happy Birthday and I loved it. I had a great day. I am so thankful to my Lord for giving me the gift of "life to the fullest" (John 10:10). He is the giver of all good things. Good things like: eternal life, salvation, a good man, children, peace, monetary blessings, groceries, friends, sisters... I could go on, but I think you understand where I'm coming from. My heart is overflowing with thankfulness.

How about you? Use the comment button below and tell me what you are thankful for!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday

I turn 32 today. The question weighing on my mind is "Is my life pleasing to the Lord?" It doesn't matter to me today if I've made my husband, children, parents, etc. proud. Don't get me wrong, their thoughts do matter, but my concern is my Abba. Have I made Him proud? Have I taken the steps necessary to please my Lord?

I struggle with wrong eating habits. I want to do better, but the good I want to do, I do not do. Does anyone hear Paul?!? I want to do better to honor my Jesus with my body. Please pray along those lines for me. I want to be prepared to do battle for Him on any war field. Including, but not limited to, eating, prayer, my mouthy words, children, marriage...

Is my life pleasing to my Abba? I know you can't answer that question for me, but I want to be open to hear from the Lord His thoughts and desires for me.

What about you? Tell me what you think. Is there something you wish you could change? How can I pray for you? On your next birthday, what will you be reflecting on? Let me know something! Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Do You Believeth?

We started having a time of Scripture reading/discussion at night before bed-time. Last night during our "flamily time" (Abi's word for it) Grace asked a question. Y'all, that baby is close to making a decision to trust Christ as her Savior. She is very sensitive about Christ dying and sin right now. She asks hard questions and expects real answers! She doesn't want you to tell her, "You'll understand when you get older." She is seeking the answers to the questions that all of our souls long for, but not all of us are brave enough to ask.

The question was, "How come people believeth in God when they don't even love him?" She learned John 3:16 (King James Version) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Ever since then, she says believeth.

How come people believeth in God when they don't even love him? Do you hear that? How do you tell a five-almost-six year old the truth in terms she can understand? How do you tell her that you can know the truth and choose not to love? How do you tell her that just because something is right doesn't mean it comes without cost? Shawn patiently tried to answer her in words she could understand. She sat there with this confused look on her face. I was really beginning to be concerned that she would have the wrong perception of believing and loving. I wanted to tell her the truth without scaring her or worrying her. She's been so prone to tears about these kinds of topics lately.

I thought of how I would want someone to explain it to me. Quickly the Lord sent James 2:19 to my mind: "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that -- and shutter." I thought to myself, there is no way that the demons love God. They've made it clear that their purpose is to try to destroy God's kingdom. Here was our answer.

I decided to let God answer for himself. I told Grace what the verse said. She was surprised that the Devil would even believe in God. I explained that Satan wants to be God, but he can't be and that's why he doesn't love God.

I wonder how many of us do that..."believeth" in Him, but not "loveth" Him? I explained to Grace that just because you know about God and Jesus and you know all the stories from the Bible, it doesn't mean that you are a Christian. It doesn't make you love God just to know about Him. Without the relationship there is no purpose in all the knowledge.

How 'bout you today? Do you know about God and the stories from the Scriptures? Do you know that He loves you and died in your place so you could experience eternal life? All it takes is turning that knowledge to trust. Nothing but perfection can be in heaven. Admit you cannot be good enough to go to heaven on your own. "Believeth" that Jesus is the answer to the problem. Confess to Him that He is Lord. Trust Him to be enough for you. Enough for today. For tomorrow. For eternity.

He is, you know. He is enough. Thank you, Jesus, for being willing. I don't know why you love me enough to want a relationship with me, but I thank you that you do! I'd be lost without your love.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Just a really cute story before I tell you what is on my mind today. Grace received a Cubbie bear when she graduated from the AWANA Cubbie class. Now that she's been in Sparks for a year, she thinks she's too big for Cubbie, so Abigail (or Babba as Hazin calls her) has taken Cubbie over. My nephew, Landon, also got a Cubbie when he graduated from that class, and my sister, Beth, warned me that Cubbie is a very mischievous bear. He has wet the bed, hidden clothes in the toy box, etc.. I guess it's best he not start all that at my house. Last night, I was tucking Abi into bed and she was scared of something else in her room, so I covered it up with a blanket and asked if she wanted to sleep with Cubbie, so he could protect her. She said yes, of course, and I gave him to her and tucked him in. She quickly sat up in the bed, took Cubbie's vest off him, and said, "Momma, Cubbie needs some pj's." I thought quickly what I might have that would fit a stuffed bear that was about 12" long since I've given most of Hazin's baby clothes away. I found a little baby gown and we dressed Cubbie. She was thrilled! Cubbie had pj's and now I could tuck them in.

I was getting ready for work today, and she came into the bathroom, quickly undressed Cubbie, put his vest back on him, and asked me what his too-tay was for. (Too-tay is Abi's word for bottom.) I said, "I guess that's for him to use the bathroom with." What else does a mother say? And what else does a mother do? Well, this one went and found the baby doll diaper bag, and we promptly put a doll diaper on Cubbie so he wouldn't poop or pee on Abi or my furniture. Wouldn't you have done the same? I just thought she was too cute!


It would seem the Lord is trying to speak to me about timing. I am currently doing the "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" Bible study written by Beth Moore. If you've read the book of Esther in the Bible, you should have picked up on the fact that God is a God of timing. Even though His name appears nowhere in the book, His timing is all over it.

Just a quick recap of the story: Esther, a Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai, is crowned Queen of Persia. The king's right-hand-man, Haman, hates the Jews (specifically Mordecai) and gets King Xerxes to sign an edict declaring "destruction, slaughter, and annihilation" (Esther 7:4) against the Jewish people living in Persia. Through the course of events, Esther saves her people and Haman is executed while Mordecai takes his position as the king's right-hand-man.

When I see God working behind the scenes in my life, and I know He is, because He always does, I know it's for my best. That doesn't mean I will like everything that happens during this time, but that means I can trust Him with the outcome!

So, like a whisper of wind behind a curtain over an open window, He is moving in my life. It took me a little while to realize it's Him. Sorry, Abba, I should have known. Timing keeps coming up. Not only in the Esther Bible study, but in other posts I've read (, and at home, while I'm driving. It's everywhere, and I'm LATE getting on board with God and His timing. You think I would have caught on before now....

Anyway, Hebrews 11:1 tells me "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." So, Abba, today I'm gonna try to trust you with the outcome. I'm gonna take a step of faith into what I cannot see and trust that you will not allow me to fall. I'm gonna trust your timing! My timing tends to be attached to a calendar or a clock. You don't need those things, Abba, You are eternal and outside the boundaries of time as I know and understand it. I trust you, Lord. That's something worth praising you for. You are worthy to be trusted. Your timing is worthy of my trust. Thanks for not giving up on this slow girl. I love you, Abba.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What is Rhema?

Rhema is "the part of a sentence that expresses an idea" according to In biblical terms it is the part of Scripture that the Lord specifically speaks to you. Many times I read a Scripture and think "Oh, that's nice." But other times I read a Scripture and I KNOW God meant for me to read it! He wrote that verse for me to read on that day because He wanted me to hear it.

It is not the same thing as "logos" which means the word, the whole word - as in the Bible, or the word - as in Jesus "the word made flesh". It makes it so much more personal to know that God intends for Scripture to be for us. He wrote us a love letter and wants it to be read as such!

So this blog is just about me and my relationship with my Lord. I need an outlet to share what I believe He is saying to me and I decided I'd give Aunt June a break and share it with others too! I don't imagine I'll post every day, but I hope you'll check in periodically to see what Abba (that's how I think of the Lord when I'm alone in my head) is doing with me.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you peace.