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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Just a really cute story before I tell you what is on my mind today. Grace received a Cubbie bear when she graduated from the AWANA Cubbie class. Now that she's been in Sparks for a year, she thinks she's too big for Cubbie, so Abigail (or Babba as Hazin calls her) has taken Cubbie over. My nephew, Landon, also got a Cubbie when he graduated from that class, and my sister, Beth, warned me that Cubbie is a very mischievous bear. He has wet the bed, hidden clothes in the toy box, etc.. I guess it's best he not start all that at my house. Last night, I was tucking Abi into bed and she was scared of something else in her room, so I covered it up with a blanket and asked if she wanted to sleep with Cubbie, so he could protect her. She said yes, of course, and I gave him to her and tucked him in. She quickly sat up in the bed, took Cubbie's vest off him, and said, "Momma, Cubbie needs some pj's." I thought quickly what I might have that would fit a stuffed bear that was about 12" long since I've given most of Hazin's baby clothes away. I found a little baby gown and we dressed Cubbie. She was thrilled! Cubbie had pj's and now I could tuck them in.

I was getting ready for work today, and she came into the bathroom, quickly undressed Cubbie, put his vest back on him, and asked me what his too-tay was for. (Too-tay is Abi's word for bottom.) I said, "I guess that's for him to use the bathroom with." What else does a mother say? And what else does a mother do? Well, this one went and found the baby doll diaper bag, and we promptly put a doll diaper on Cubbie so he wouldn't poop or pee on Abi or my furniture. Wouldn't you have done the same? I just thought she was too cute!


It would seem the Lord is trying to speak to me about timing. I am currently doing the "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" Bible study written by Beth Moore. If you've read the book of Esther in the Bible, you should have picked up on the fact that God is a God of timing. Even though His name appears nowhere in the book, His timing is all over it.

Just a quick recap of the story: Esther, a Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai, is crowned Queen of Persia. The king's right-hand-man, Haman, hates the Jews (specifically Mordecai) and gets King Xerxes to sign an edict declaring "destruction, slaughter, and annihilation" (Esther 7:4) against the Jewish people living in Persia. Through the course of events, Esther saves her people and Haman is executed while Mordecai takes his position as the king's right-hand-man.

When I see God working behind the scenes in my life, and I know He is, because He always does, I know it's for my best. That doesn't mean I will like everything that happens during this time, but that means I can trust Him with the outcome!

So, like a whisper of wind behind a curtain over an open window, He is moving in my life. It took me a little while to realize it's Him. Sorry, Abba, I should have known. Timing keeps coming up. Not only in the Esther Bible study, but in other posts I've read (, and at home, while I'm driving. It's everywhere, and I'm LATE getting on board with God and His timing. You think I would have caught on before now....

Anyway, Hebrews 11:1 tells me "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." So, Abba, today I'm gonna try to trust you with the outcome. I'm gonna take a step of faith into what I cannot see and trust that you will not allow me to fall. I'm gonna trust your timing! My timing tends to be attached to a calendar or a clock. You don't need those things, Abba, You are eternal and outside the boundaries of time as I know and understand it. I trust you, Lord. That's something worth praising you for. You are worthy to be trusted. Your timing is worthy of my trust. Thanks for not giving up on this slow girl. I love you, Abba.


  1. Neat story about Abi and Cubbie. Very much enjoying your Bible thoughts, also.

    Love that avatar, also! beautiful happy faces!!

  2. Thought you'd like the avatar. You took the photo! I'll have to get one with Hazin in it.

  3. I took the picture, but the girls arranged it, Cara's idea if I remember correctly - to put their faces all close together. Turned out to be a great idea!
