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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lots of Children!

I've been trying to prepare my house and mind for lots of children. For those of you who don't know me personally, I have four children: (three girls) the oldest is 11, one turning 6 Monday, a precious 3 year old, and my baby boy is 20 months. Some may think that is lots of children, but I believe it's just what I need, if not more.

This evening I will be inheriting two more for almost a week. My nieces will be staying with me while my sister Beth and her family go on a mission trip. The oldest, Trista, is five and the younger one, Carli, is 19 months. My oldest sister, Lisa, and I were pregnant together twice. So Grace (my almost 6 year old) is to-the-day three months older than Trista. They are the best of friends and cousins who love to play together! Most of the time they get along fabulously, but they have their moments like all children. The second time Lisa and I were pregnant together, I had Hazin 7 weeks before she had Carli. They aren't old enough to know it yet, but they are the best of friends too. When they see one another, they just hug like they won't ever let go. It is the sweetest thing. Anyway, Lisa's children stay with Beth, and she (Beth) is taking the three oldest children in her home with her, and leaving the younger two with me for part of the time.

I try to be creative when I have this many to take care of. When you allow children to play without direction for too long, they argue and fuss more. So far I have playing in the water sprinkler and a trip to the park if it isn't raining. That should take up about 1/2 a day. Ummmm I'll take any suggestions you can offer. Just remember that everything has to be planned around the babies' naps! Cannot forget about nap time! Please leave me a comment with any suggestions!

When I woke up this morning I had a really hard time pulling myself together. I wondered why me? I just did not want to get up. Then I remembered that I am supposed to be jumping up and being excited to spend time with my Lord today (and every day). My heart said, "My soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You as in a dry and weary land." Then my mind said, "That's not true Tracey. You're not longing today. You are be slothful and wanting to stay in bed." The Truth is that we all long for God, but sometimes we choose other things. Abiding is a hard thing. To be able to stay in one place, focused on one thing, is a prayer of mine and a struggle. There are so many distractions pulling us in many different ways. Along with your suggestions on kids' activities, feel free to share any tips on abiding...staying connected...being content without being complacent...loving and living like you mean it.

I know that I can't spend all day everyday with a Bible on my lap and never move from "praying position". That's not what I'm talking about. Even when I work, I work to the Lord. Even when I discipline my children, I do so as unto the Lord. Even when I cook supper, cook to the Lord. That's the kind of living I want to do...whatever my hand finds to do, do it as unto the Lord that He might be glorified in me. All I know to say is "Yes, Lord, yes."

Jesus, apart from you, I can do NOTHING. Help me to abide in the True Vine. I love you today.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly about playing WITH instead of expecting them to do it all by themselves w/o conflict. Hopefully weather will cooperate. Kids seem to do better the more outside play they get. Something to do with sunshine and fresh air, and space maybe?

    My advice - try to stay relaxed and have fun yourself.

    Be flexible.

    Happy music. Singing. Laughing.

    Fun snacks.

    Everyone sitting in big circle rolling ball back and forth to each other sometimes makes kids happy for longer than you might think.

    Singing games with hand and body actions

    Running around games outside, tag, etc.

    Some websites with ideas:

  2. Good suggestions! Thanks, Aunt June! Have a good weekend. I'm thinking I'll not have much time to be browsing online!

  3. From:
    Indoor Activities:

    Go to the local appliance store and get large refrigerator boxes etc and make big forts (similar to McDonald's playland...okay use your imagination). The kids can have hours of fun running through them turning off the lights and using flashlights getting dad to play monster and even sleeping in them. You can also decorate them with paint or turn them into cars etc. My kids love to "invent" stuff out of them. I have even seen playhouses made that include curtains wallpaper etc. Check your local library for "The Great Big Box Book" by Flo Ann Hedley Norvell. (Could be outside too if not muddy or raining)

    Fill a large plastic bin with different shaped dry pastas dry beans rice whatever you can buy least expensively. Give them cups and "sand" toys and you have a winter alternative to the sandbox. (Spread a sheet under the bin they will get it everywhere then you can just gather up the sheet and dump it back in the bin.)

    Camp in the house. One of our tents can be set up without the stakes so we have camp outs in the living room and make smores in the microwave. You can always drape a blanket over a table.

    Make a tower from paper cups as tall as you can. Then remove the bottom piece and watch it tumble.

    Subscribe or go to Family Fun's website. They always have a ton of creative ideas to try!

    Write on a white board we all like that!

    Line up cans etc and get a ball and bowl

    Plan a treasure hunt

    Use large dry beans (limas etc.) and school glue and let him glue beans onto heavy paper or old folders. (You could dribble out a line of glue in the shape of something fun--a car for example--and then let him press the beans onto it.)

    Save boxes and containers then give them a roll of foil and duct tape and let them create.

    Make and color paper dolls

    If he can cut give him some old magazines glue sticks paper and let him cut out pictures and glue them to paper.

    Rubber Stamp

    Bake cookies

    Have a picnic inside on the floor

    Play dress up

    Playing 'restaurant': make the menus set the table take orders serve (& clean up)

    Play school: you are the student & kids take turns being the teacher

    Play store

    Have a tea party


    Worship the Lord sing dance play instruments to God

    Make music (pots and pans etc)
    Write your own praise songs with everyone contributing lines; make your own instruments to play as you sing!

    Tell a story (can't use a book).

    Give them a wide roll of masking tape and let them go to town making "roads" for Matchbox cars.

    Puzzles are contagious. Just start one on the table and they won't be able to keep away from it!

    Make a family "newspaper" of recent events or happenings
